Randwick residents and Council support continuation of the Environmental Levy

Randwick Council submits request to IPART to continue Environmental Levy

“A survey sent to every business and residential ratepayer revealed 54% of the 5,823 respondents supported the continuation of the levy.

In addition, a telephone survey of 600 random and representative residents and ratepayers found 72% support for the levy.”

Importance of projects

Building cycleways is most important for new residents, renters and couples with children

Building cycleways were significantly more important to:

  • Those living in the Randwick City LGA for 5 years or less (49% very important) compared to those living in the LGA for 6 years or longer (23% very important)
  • Those renting the property they live in (40% very important) compared to those who own/have a mortgage (22% very important)
  • Couples with children (37% very important) compared to other household types (21% very important)

Cycleways less important than other projects, but still prominent in the comments

Projects like sustainable workshops and events and cycleways are still considered important, but at 60%, they are seen relatively as less important than other projects (improving water quality at beaches, saving water, increasing energy efficiency and planting more trees).

Importance of Proposed Projects (by Suburb)

However, great to see that support for cycleways remained prominent in the supportive submissions:

Examples of submissions supportive of continuing levy

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